InspectionResourceModel { inspectionId (string, optional): Inspection Id (UUID) , inspectionDate (string, optional): Inspection Date , inspectionStatus (integer, optional): Inspection Status: [0 = Undefined, 1 = Created, 2 = Compiled, 3 = OnlineSubmission, 4 = PackageDownloaded, 5 = PartialSubmission, 6 = Submitted, 7 = SubmitterValidated, 8 = Published, 9 = Withdrawn, 10 = Cancelled, 11 = Incomplete, 12 = Resubmission] , inspectionCompletion (integer, optional): Inspection Completion Type: [0 = Full, 1 = Contingency, 2 = Incomplete, 3 = Partial] , publicationDate (string, optional): Publication Date , vesselOcimfId (string, optional): Vessel OCIMF Id , vesselPrimaryIdType (string, optional): Vessel Primary Id Type , vesselPrimaryIdValue (string, optional): Vessel Primary Id Value , templateType (integer, optional): Template Type: [1 = Tanker, 2 = Barge, 3 = Offshore] , templateVersion (integer, optional): SIRE 2.0 Template Version , piqTemplateVersion (integer, optional): PIQ Template Version , xpqTemplateVersion (string, optional): HVPQ Template Version , reportName (string, optional): Report Name , isCameraDisabled (boolean, optional): Camera disabled during inspection , bookingCode (string, optional): Booking Code , operatorOrgId (string, optional): Operator Organisation Id (UUID) , submitterOrgId (string, optional): Submitting Organisation Id (UUID) , inspectorOrgId (string, optional): Inspector Organisation Id (only accessible to Submitter) (UUID) , tankerOperation (integer, optional): Tanker Operation: [0 = Unknown, 1 = Loading, 2 = Discharging, 3 = Bunkering, 4 = Ballasting, 5 = Deballasting, 6 = AtAnchor, 7 = Idle, 8 = AtSea, 9 = RiverTransit, 10 = RepairsAfloat, 11 = InDryDock, 12 = StsLoading, 13 = StsDischarging, 14 = CoolingDown, 15 = GassingUp, 16 = Deslopping, 17 = InTransit] , tankerProducts (Array[integer], optional): Tanker Products: [0 = Unknown, 1 = CrudeOil, 2 = DirtyPetrolLowFlash, 3 = DirthPetrolHighFlash, 4 = CleanPetrol, 5 = VegetableOils, 6 = AnimalOils, 7 = Chemicals, 8 = LiquefiedGas, 9 = Other] , transactionValue (number, optional): Transaction Value (null if no purchase transaction made) , utcOffset (string, optional): UTC Offset , metaData (Array[InspectionMetaDataResourceModel], optional): Inspection Metadata , initialOperatorComments (Array[InspectionOperatorCommentResourceModel], optional): Initial Operator Comments , subsequentOperatorComments (Array[InspectionOperatorCommentResourceModel], optional): SubsequentOperator Comments , questions (Array[QuestionResourceModel], optional): Questions } InspectionMetaDataResourceModel { key (string, optional): Metadata key , value (string, optional): Metadata value } InspectionOperatorCommentResourceModel { comments (string, optional): Comments , commentDate (string, optional): Comment Date } QuestionResourceModel { templateQuestionId (string, optional): Template Question Id (UUID) , complexResponses (Array[ComplexResponseResourceModel], optional): Complex Responses , inspectorPhotos (Array[InspectorPhotoResourceModel], optional): Inspector Photos , preInspectionContent (PreInspectionContentResourceModel, optional): Linked Pre Inspection Content - details of HVPQ and PIQ responses as well as operator-supplied photos and certificates linked to the question } ComplexResponseResourceModel { category (integer, optional): Response Category: [0 = Human, 1 = Process, 2 = Equipment, 3 = Photograph] , subjectLookupId (string, optional): Subject Lookup Id for human responses (UUID) , notAnswerableResponse (boolean, optional): Not Answerable , binaryResponse (boolean, optional): Binary Response (populated where a question is configured as binary). The Binary Response can be converted to the string representation using the below: 'Category' = '1' and 'BinaryResponse' = 'true' - 'As expected – procedure and/or document present' 'Category' = '1' and 'BinaryResponse' = 'false' - 'Not as expected – procedure and/or document deficient' 'Category' = '2' and 'BinaryResponse' = 'true' - 'Free from obvious deterioration or deficiency' 'Category' = '2' and 'BinaryResponse' = 'false' - 'Observable or detectable deficiency' , graduatedResponse (integer, optional): Graduated Response (populated where a question is configured as graduated): [1 = Human_ExceededExpectation, 2 = Human_AsExpected, 3 = Human_LargelyAsExpected, 4 = Human_NotAsExpected, 101 = Process_AsExpected, 102 = Process_LargelyAsExpected, 103 = Process_NotAsExpected, 201 = Equipment_NoDeterioration, 202 = Equipment_SlightDeterioration, 203 = Equipment_SlightDeteriorationWithComments, 204 = Equipment_ObservableDefect, 301 = Photograph_Representative, 302 = Photograph_HighlightRequired, 303 = Photograph_Reasonable_AdditionalPhotoRequired, 304 = Photograph_NotRepresentative, 305 = Photograph_Reasonable_DetailedCommentRequired] , comments (string, optional): Comments , observations (Array[ObservationResourceModel], optional): Observations , positivePif (PositivePifResourceModel, optional): Positive Pif } InspectorPhotoResourceModel { photoId (string, optional): Photo Id (UUID) , name (string, optional): Photo Name as set by the editor or replaced by the inspector } PreInspectionContentResourceModel { questionnaireData (Array[QuestionnaireDataResourceModel], optional): Questionnaire Data - HVPQ and PIQ responses associatd to the question , operatorPhotos (Array[OperatorPhotoResourceModel], optional): Operator Photos - photos associated to the question , certificates (Array[CertificateResourceModel], optional): Referenced Certificates - certificates associated to the question } ObservationResourceModel { subjectLookupId (string, optional): Subject Lookup Id (UUID) , natureOfConcernLookupId (string, optional): Nature of Concern Id (UUID) , comments (string, optional): Comments , initialOperatorComments (Array[ObservationOperatorCommentResourceModel], optional): Initial Operator Comments , initialOperatorAttachments (Array[ObservationOperatorAttachmentResourceModel], optional): Initial Operator Attachments , subsequentOperatorComments (Array[ObservationOperatorCommentResourceModel], optional): Subsequent Operator Comments , subsequentOperatorAttachments (Array[ObservationOperatorAttachmentResourceModel], optional): Subsequent Operator Attachments , inspectorPhotos (Array[InspectorPhotoResourceModel], optional): Inspector Photos } PositivePifResourceModel { comments (string, optional): Comments , natureOfConcernLookupIds (Array[string], optional): Nature of Concern Ids , inspectorPhotos (Array[InspectorPhotoResourceModel], optional): Inspector Photos } QuestionnaireDataResourceModel { source (integer, optional): Questionnaire Source: [1 = HVPQ, 2 = PIQ] , questionId (string, optional): Question ID (UUID) , questionNumber (string, optional): Question Number , controlNumber (integer, optional): HVPQ Control Number , responseValue (string, optional): Question Response Value } OperatorPhotoResourceModel { photoId (string, optional): Photo Id (UUID) , locationId (string, optional): Photo Location Id (UUID) , notFitted (boolean, optional): Indicates if photo is fitted } CertificateResourceModel { typeId (string, optional): Certificate Type Id (UUID) , name (string, optional): Certificate Name } ObservationOperatorCommentResourceModel { commentType (integer, optional): Comment Type: [0 = Immediate, 1 = RootCause, 2 = Corrective, 3 = Preventative] , comments (string, optional): Comments , rootCauseType (integer, optional): Root Cause Type: [0 = Undefined, 1 = RecognitionOfSafety, 2 = UseOfProcedures, 3 = ProceduresAccessible, 4 = TeamDynamics, 5 = Stress, 6 = Morale, 7 = WorkplaceErgonomics, 8 = HumanMachineInterface, 9 = OpportunityToLearn, 10 = NotIdentified] , commentDate (string, optional): Comment Date } ObservationOperatorAttachmentResourceModel { url (string, optional): Attachment Url , attachmentDate (string, optional): Attachment Date }