When an OVMSA document has been created you can set a distribution policy that will determine who can view the document.
To do this, login to OVID and click on the OVMSA link and select "Distribution Policy" from the drop down list:
In the distribution policy you are presented with a drop down box with two choices:
Setting “Visible to all” allows all organisations to view the published OVMSA document. To set this, select it in the drop down box and click “Save Changes” to then becomes the default policy.
The second choice “Visible to Only Certain Members” allows you to choose which organisations are allowed to view the document. If you choose this and click on the “Save Changes” button you are then taken to this screen:
The left column shows all organisations available to add to your distribution policy to allow them access to the document. The column on the right shows any organisations that are included and can then view the document. By default no companies will be able to see the document until they are added to the list.
To add a new organisation, click on the green plus symbol next to the company name in the left column. The screen is then updated and they are added to the right hand column to show they now have access to the OVMSA.
If you set an incorrect company or wish to remove them for any reason, click on the red cross symbol in the right hand column next to their name and they are moved back to the left column and their access to the document is removed.
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