Within OVID there is a facility to mark a vessel as "Laid Up". If a vessel is to remain out of use but not decommissioned, you can mark it as Laid Up. This means that the vessel is currently inactive and unavailable. If your organisation is not planning on transferring it and plan to bring it back into regular use at a future date, this allows you to mark the vessel record to show it as inactive without having to disassociate the record from your account. The following restrictions and conditions will apply whilst a vessel has the status of "Laid Up":
1. The Vessel operator will not be able to update the OVPQ document for a vessel.
2. The Vessel operator will not be able to update the Crew Matrix.
3. The Vessel operator will not be able to update any of the details held within the ‘Edit Vessel Details’ page for a vessel whilst it has a status of ‘Laid Up’. This consists of:
a. Edit Vessel Details
b. Change Key Vessel Details
c. Disassociate Vessel
d. Change Variants and Operations
4. OVID Submitting Organisations can still commission inspections upon a vessel whilst it has a status of ‘Laid Up’
5. OVID Submitting Organisations can still purchase inspections that have been published for vessels that have a status of ‘Laid up’
6. Upon setting the status of a vessel to ‘Laid up’, a reason must be recorded. This reason is visible to the Operator and Submitting Organisations
To mark a vessel as Laid Up, go to the "Vessels" tab and open the vessel record you wish to update:
Click on the "Vessel Actions" Tab. You should then see the "Vessel Laid Up" button under the "Edit Vessel Details" heading below:
Click on the button and you will be taken to this screen:
Here you will need to enter a reason for the vessel being laid up as well as the date this occurred.
You can also if required click on the "Notify on Inspection Download" button.
Once this has been selected and the reason completed, click on the save button.
If you wish to remove the "Laid Up" status from the vessel, open the vessel record and click on the "Vessel Actions" tab, then click on the "Cancel Vessel Laid Up" button:
This will instantly remove the status from the vessel record and as well as all of the restrictions.
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