In OVID certain users can be designated as administrators. This gives them the ability to manage their organisations details and also allows them to create user accounts and set permissions.
To access these features, login to your OVID account and click on your username followed by "Organisation Profile" from the drop down list:
This will take you to the Manage Organisation page:
Here you can update your organisations contact details when required. It is important to ensure these details are accurate and updated whenever any changes occur. Please note that there is an exception to this, the organisation name cannot be changed within OVID. If the organisation name needs to be changed, please contact the OVID Support helpdesk at
To create, update, or remove a user account click on the "User Management" button as highlighted above. This will then display a list of existing user accounts:
In user management you can add and remove users or add or remove permissions.
To create a new user click on the "Create User" button on the top right of the screen.
In the create user screen you can complete the users name, e-mail address, as well as set an account username and password. Once the details have been completed, click on the "Create" button you can also assign permissions to the user as required:
You set Roles for the user by giving them permissions to carry out specific functions. To minimize cyber-risks, be sure to select only the permissions that are relevant for the user’s Role. Add or remove roles by clicking on the switch icon to the right of each role. A role assigned to the user is marked with a green tick.
Typical roles you can assign to a user are:
AO Asset Owner - Allows the ability to view create and manage vessels operated by your organisation.
AS Account Supervisor - Allows users to manage users and vessels in any organisation within the account.
IS Inspection Subject - Allows the user to enter comments to a report and publish it.
O-PSC - OVID - Operator - Manage PSC Inspections - Allows the user to add or edit PSC Inspections
OS Organisation Supervisor - Allows the ability to add/remove user accounts and administer organisation details.
OVID Inspection Request Administrator - Allows the user to accept or reject inspection requests on behalf of your organisation.
OVID Programme Recipient Administrator - Allows the organisation into the Inspection Request area and PR Member Email Notifications.
OVMSA Member Supervisor - User can view OVMSA reports and request access to them
OVMSA Operator Administrator - User can create and manage the submission of OVMSA reports.
Save any changes once roles have been assigned (please note not all of these options may be visible as they may not be relevant to your type of organisation).
Removing a User
When removing a user because they no longer require access to the system, you also do this from the user list.
If you wish to remove a user you can do this at the user list. Each user has a delete button like this:
Click on this button and follow the directions to complete the process.
IMPORTANT - To ensure there is no unauthorized access, regular reviews of the active users should be performed to ensure leavers are disabled.
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