When an OVID report has been submitted, checked and then processed by the submitting company it is then available for the operator to add their comments before a report is published.
When you login to OVID you should be able to see a heading on the top left hand side of the homepage labelled "Inspections Pending Operator Comments":
Any inspections that are available for operator comments can be opened by clicking on the blue arrow on the right hand side of the listing as shown above.
This will then take you to a summary page for the report. If you wish to add comments click on the "Add initial comments" button at the bottom of the page:
You are then taken to a list of all questions that are available for comments to be added. To open a question, click on the corresponding arrow to the right of the question:
The selected question will then open on screen, you can use the comments box to enter any details as required:
Once completed, scroll down to attach any supporting files you may wish to add, then click on the "Save Comments" button:
Once saved you are then taken back to the list of questions available for comments. Repeat this process until you have added comments to all the questions you require. Once all questions are completed, click on the "Next" button as labelled below:
The next screen allows you to add any general comments to the report that you may wish to add, this is optional. Add any comments if required and then click on "Next" to continue:
Finally, you will be taken to a summary screen. Here you can click on the "Save and close" button to save the comments added without publishing them. You can then come back and publish later if you wish to make any further additions before publishing. If you are happy that all comments are now complete, click on the "Publish" button. The report will then be immediately made available to submitting companies:
Article is closed for comments.