If as a current OVID inspector your ID card is lost or damaged you can request a new card via your OVID account.
To make the request, log in to your OVID Inspectors account, click on your name in the top right hand corner of the screen, then select "Request New ID Card" from the menu:
You will then be taken to the request ID card screen.
You should see the current contact address details that are saved in your account. Please check these are correct before making the request, as these details will be used to send your replacement card.
Once you are certain, you will need to choose a reason for the replacement request, that it is either misplaced or damaged. Please choose the relevant option. If there are any comments or instructions/details regarding delivery that need to be added, ensure they are entered in the "Comments" box, then finally click on the "Send request " button. The request is then sent to the ID Cards staff at OCIMF. They will respond to the request. If there are any queries regarding delivery they will make contact with you directly via your registered e-mail address.
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