As an OVID operator you now have the capability to upload vessel certificates to your vessel records to make them available to view.
To do this open a vessel record so that you can see the "Main Details" vessel view:
Next, scroll down the page until you can see the "Vessel Certificates" area and click on the "edit" button:
At the next screen you can start to upload your certificates. To upload a single certificate, click on the dropdown list under the "Certificate Type" heading and choose the relevant type.
You will then see a series of certificate types, select the relevant option and then complete the details (issue and expiry dates etc):
Then click on the green "Upload" button and browse for the certificate on your computer to upload it to OVID. You can repeat this process to add multiple certificates. Once uploaded they are then available to view. Please bear in mind that files are only accepted in the following formats: ocx, .jpeg, .png, .pdf, .xlsx and must be no large than 10MB.
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