Once you have created an MTMSA document you can assign permissions to determine who can view the document if required.
To do this login to your MTIS account. At the homepage, click on the "MTMSA Configuration" button:
At the next screen click on the "Distribution Policy" button:
At the distribution policy screen you will see a drop down menu at the top of the page with two options: "Visible To All" and "Visible To Only Certain Members".
If "Visible To All" is selected, this will allow all MTIS members to view the document without any further permissions being required.
If you choose "Visible To Only Certain Members" the document is not visible to any members unless you specifically provide access to a member listed in the distribution policy.
To give permission, search for the required organisation in the list and then click on the "Allow Access" option:
This will then change to show "Remove Access". The organisation will then be able to view the document via their MTIS account. If access needs to be removed, simply click on the "Remove Access" button.
You can allow as many or as few organisations as needed to view your MTMSA.
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