MTIS Users assigned the administrator role have the ability to administer users including add and update users and amend permissions as required.
To do this you will need log in to your MTIS account. Once you arrive at your homepage you should see a "Quick Access Menu" in the bottom right hand corner at the bottom of the page.
Click on the "Organisation Profile" link in the menu. This will show you the list of current users for your organisation. To update a users details or permissions, click on the blue arrow on the far right hand side of the screen to access their details:
This then takes you to the main details screen for an individual user. From here you can make changes to their name, contact details including their e-mail address. You can also enable or disable permissions for MTIS as required:
Towards the top of the page you can also reset the users password in two ways. There is a "Reset Password" link or "Change Password".
The "Reset Password" option when clicked instantly sends a new password automatically direct to the users registered e-mail address. This password must then be used to access MTIS.
"Change Password" when clicked takes you to a another screen where you can specify the new password to be used by a user and then saved. Once saved the new password is active and must be used to access their account.
Towards the bottom of the page there is the ability to switch user permissions on and off. There are two main permissions:
MTS - Terminal Administrator - This allows a user to be able to create and delete terminals as required.
MTS - Organisation Supervisor - Allows a user to manage organisation level settings such as changing address/contact details and to administer users.
To enable/disable a permission you will need to click on a toggle switch to enable a permission:
When a permission is enabled a green tick is shown to the left of the switch as shown above. When a permission is disabled a red cross will be displayed:
To add a new user click on the green "Add User" button located by the "Users" heading on the main "Organisation Profile" screen:
This will then take you to the "New User" screen. Here you can complete all of the required details for the new user. Once completed, click on the "Save" button to add the user and set any required permissions.
Deleting users - Administrator cannot delete Users within MTIS. If a user account is no longer required, please contact the MTIS Support desk to request that the User account is deleted.
IMPORTANT - To ensure there is no unauthorized access, regular reviews of the active users should be performed to ensure leavers are disabled.
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