If you need to reset your password or you are having difficulty logging in, please check that you are logging into the correct URL. For SIRE this is https://www.ocimf-sire.org/default.aspx
If after checking you are logging into the correct URL you are still having difficulties, you can reset your password at the SIRE login page https://www.ocimf-sire.org/default.aspx
At the login page you will see a "Difficulty Signing In" link, click on it to request a new password:
At the next screen enter your account number, username and e-mail address and click on the "Send New Password" button:
You will then receive a new password sent to you via an automated e-mail.
In order to receive your password you need to ensure that your email address is kept up to date in your account profile. If you do not receive an e-mail with a new password please contact SIRE Support (siresupport@ocimf.org).
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