In order to make a booking for a new inspection on a vessel, login to your SIRE account and click on the "Vessels" link at the top of the homepage and search for the relevant vessel record. Once located open the record. Here you will see an "Inspection bookings" button:
This will take you to the inspection bookings summary page that will show any current bookings for the vessel (if any). There is also a "Create Booking" button. Click on this to start creating a new booking:
At the next page you can begin completing the details required:
First of all provide a date for the inspection to take place by clicking in the box and select a date from the calendar:
Next select the country from the list:
Also specify a location within the country where the inspection will take place:
Next select the inspector from the list of available inspectors in the drop down list:
Once the details are complete, click on the button to create the booking. You are then re-directed back to the booking summary page:
You should then see the booking listed. Double check the details to ensure the booking has all of the correct information.
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