To upload a newly created/updated HVPQ or BPQ file created using the OCIMF Particulars Editor Software in .ocimf format, you will need to login to your SIRE operators account, then go to "Vessels" and open the vessel record:
At the vessel record screen, click on the "Edit" button as highlighted in above. This will then take you to the following screen:
Click on the "Upload HVPQ/BPQ from Desktop Editor" button. You will then see this screen:
From here click on the "Browse" button, locate the .ocimf file you wish to upload and click on the "Open" button in the window that appears. Once completed click on the "Upload" button as highlighted above.
This will then upload the file to SIRE. You are then taken back to the particulars details screen. Here you will see a "Publish HVPQ document" or "Publish BPQ Document" button. Click on this to publish the file.
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