SIRE inspectors now have the ability to disclose any new or existing industry relationships to OCIMF to ensure that the risk of conflicts of interest while performing inspections are minimised.
A disclosure to OCIMF can be made within an inspectors SIRE account. To do this, log in to your account and click on your username in the top right hand corner of the screen, then choose "Industry Relationships" from the menu:
This then takes you to the Industry Relations screen:
From here you can add details of any conflicts you wish to submit. Click on the "New Industry Relationship" button:
You can then enter the details in the on screen form. Please read the disclosure notice at the top of the screen before proceeding, then enter as many details as possible:
Once all details have been entered, you can save them. By clicking on "Save" the details are retained in your account but not submitted. You can use this if you need to come back and add further information to your declaration. Once you are happy all contents are correct, click on "Save and Submit". The details will then be sent to OCIMF and will be reviewed in due course. Comments may be added to your entry once they have been reviewed. If there are any queries regarding your entry you may be contacted by OCIMF.
Please ensure that details of any working relationships that maybe considered a conflict of interest are added. Inspectors are required to ensure that declarations are made when appropriate and kept up to date when needed.
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