When entering your operator comments one important tip to bear in mind is to avoid using the following characters where possible: < >.
For example, you open an observation to enter a comment and include the following text "The adjustment lead to a reduction of <10%"
When you enter this and all other comments and then click on the save button at the bottom of the screen you the receive an error like this:
If this occurs immediately click on the back button in your browser to go back to the comments screen. You can then edit the comments you have just entered. The error occurs because the < and > characters are seen as commands and generate the error. To avoid this either remove the characters completely or if you have to use them ensure that extra spaces are entered either side of these characters, which should stop them from being picked up as a command:
This should allow you to continue and the comment should then be save successfully without any errors occurring.
Also as well as typing in text please also be mindful of copying and pasting text from PDF's, Word documents or e-mails. Sometimes non alphabetical characters can be converted when copied and then pasted and in some cases can be converted to < > characters.
Also when copying e-mails and pasting them be aware that when pasting text that contains e-mail addresses. When e-mail addresses are pasted they can have the < > added to them as per this example:
If copying text please carefully check it once pasted. If you have pasted any e-mail addresses, ensure these characters are deleted before saving you comments.
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