In order to check your current third party vetters or to add/remove them, you can do so by going to the "Manage TPV Details" area of your SIRE account to review your currently selected vetters.
First of all, click on your username in the top right hand corner of the screen and then select "Organisation Profile" from the menu:
Next, click on the "TPV" button, followed by "Manage TPV details":
This will then open the "Manage TPV Contractors" screen. From here you can see two lists on display "Current TPV Contractors" and "Vetters Available for Approval":
"Currently Approved Vetters" displays all currently selected vetters that are available to use by your organisation. If an organisation is no longer required, they can be removed by clicking the red button immediately to the right of the organisation listed:
"Vetters Available for Approval" lists all organisations not all ready approved and are available to be added if required:
To add a Third Party Vetter, click on the check box immediately to the right of the entry you are then asked to review a TPV declaration and enter your e-signature. Once successfully completed, the vetter is added to the "Currently Approved" list.
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